
In this page, you can find some InfoPath form template I am trying to create for my learning curve. Please feel free to download and ask questions if you want to know how to create it.

Please note: Due to the nature of WordPress out-of-box media library, I am not able to upload any .xsn InfoPath file here. Please rename it from .doc to .xsn if you want to see it in InfoPath 2010 filler. Thank you.

Repeating table example — it demonstrates what repeating table is and how it works. Also, the field total is a calculate column which includes a simple formula to get the outcome of the total price.

Getting user’s details from web service example — it relates to an early post that how to use web service to extract user’s details. And it pops up automatically when users login the form.
Don’t forget to change my SOAP Web Service definition from GetUserProfileByName data connection to your company site collection domain. For example:
https://<url of your site collection domain>/_vti_bin/UserProfileService.asmx?WSDL

<coming soon>Changing view using a custom button example — this form simply shows you that you can flip to other views by clicking a custom button.